He did it. He got the job. Today is the 1st day. So we got up at 5:00 AM and made lunch and he took his shower. We got him all ready with 20 minutes till he has to leave I told him I forgot to make iced tea and is water OK. To this he answered with the sweetest puppy dog look on his face, "Isn't there still time this morning." Of corse I jumped right up and made him some iced tea for the day. The smile I got when he walked out the door this morning with his iced tea in hand was the best start to my day. It is these simple things that make me realize I love him so. It is funny how life works. I think you find your place eventually. We just have to learn a few things first.
So I took the kids to school and in a while I will have to go back and supervise a load of hyper children again. Why oh why do I volunteer for such things. Oh yeah because I love my kids and I know I will get that same reaction this week as I got last week. I will by hugged and kissed by the two best boys in the whole world.
My favorite quote lately is "You are such a good mom!" I am a good mom. And I make good banana nut muffins. I am off to eat one. Have a great day.
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