UGH so everybody is sick and I am exhausted. Jack started and then it snowballed from there. So I have 3 sick kids a sick husband who is on the road and a sick me. Of corse there is no time for mom to be sick she must be up all night with the 3 kids who keep getting up coughing, running fevers, and throwing up phlem. I have no cold medicine and they have taken them off the shelves. I guess I understand why but whoever said they do not work does not live in my house. This is one of those times when I really wish there was even one person nearby who could lend a hand. Someone to vent to rather than venting over the internet to cyberspace. Michal had his last soccer game this weekend and as in every last game he cannot wait for next season to start. He played a great game. He has amazing foot control with a soccer ball. He can do things on the fly I know he could not do if he were concentrating on his feet. His instinct with a soccer ball is so much fun to watch. Jackson had a good weekend too. He enjoyed playing at the church party they went to. He got to help dad fix his truck. Yes thank goodness he made it home this weekend. I may have gone crazy otherwise. We are going trick or treating country style this week. There is a big to do at the trailer sales. Each trailer will give out candy and they have over 200 trailers for sale so I think that will be plenty of Halloweening. I have been mad scrapping lately. I finished a book for Clint, and have 2 of ours all caught up. I want to be caught up and have pages done through the end of the year by the time we go to Texas for Thanksgiving. Ang I have some catalogs for you and will bring them with me. Sterling likes his job but sure misses the family. |
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