So I woke up crying today from a bad dream, little did I know.
Here is how it all started. I am driving Michal to school and he wanted to know if I had gotten his fishing rods out:
Mom: "No Honey why would I do that?"
Michal: "For my trip to Chama."
Mom: "I did not know you were going."
Michal: "Of corse we always go, even if dad can't go Grandpa Scut will take me."
Mom: "OK Let me find out what is going on."
I drop him off and come home. Sterling took me to breakfast and we are talking when my mom calls. *PRAYERS PLEASE ON THIS ONE* Matty (my baby bro) has a 10 month old named Autumn and a 2 1/2 year old named Hayley. So, Matt has bronchitus, Hayley and Alicia (his wife) have pneumonia and the baby has double pneumonia, a double ear infection, and a bacteria in something I did not quite get that part. So I am crying because I have been through the lung problems with my boys and this is serious. Again I am crying because it is so scary and this sweet baby is suffering from pain and not feelling good and she is only a baby. This sweet baby I have never seen or held to told how much I love her even though we have never even met. She is my brothers first baby and in many ways he was my first baby. I remember putting a bandaid on his boo boo when he fell and giving it a kiss. I remember dropping him off at school when he was in kindergarten and picking him up. I remember watching him play on the playground with his little friends. I even remember his kindergarten graduation and the big hugs I got. I was his sitter and his sister all in one. My mom had to work when he was little so I helped her alot with him. Here he is now 21 with so much on his plate. I am proud of him for doing so much so well. I feel so bad that he is having to deal with all of this right now. I wish I could be there but with a baby myself I just cannot risk her getting sick.
So with that on my mind I talk to Clint and confirm that in fact they will not be going to Chama this weekend. So now I have to break my little boy's heart. We are going to try to pull something together but I know it will not make up for the fact that he will not get to go on this fishing trip that means so much to him. To add insult to injury Tristen, the boy I watch, is so excited about going to the lake with his dad this weekend. Again I cried. Sometimes as a mom I feel so helpless to keep them from hurting.
To top it off Jack has a badly infected toe and has to go to the doctor today to have it checked and cleaned and I know it is going to hurt and he is going to scream. So Again I am sure I will cry.
I guess it is just going to be one of those days.
Well gotta go because there is the baby and she is crying. ho hum what a day.